Hire ASP.NET developers remotely from our vetted global talent
Terminal's vetted, elite global talent pool helps you hire ASP.NET developers 35% faster than traditional recruiting. Get instant access to elite ASP.NET engineers, as we only accept the top 7% of developers.
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ASP.NET Developer
5 - 10 Years Experience
In-Demand0 → 1 Experience
- Worked for Microsoft
- Built 0 → 1 product with Microsoft
- B.S Degree in Computer Science
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ASP.NET Developer
5 - 10 Years Experience
Referred Candidate
- 3 years of people leadership experience
- B.S. Degree in Computer Science
- Native English Speaker
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Backend Developer
5 - 10 Years Experience
Costa Rica
0 → 1 Experience
- 3 years of Tech Led experience
- M.S. Degree in Computer Science
- Native English Speaker
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Why Hire ASP.NET Developers With Terminal
Elite Global Candidates
Our exceptional engineers are ready to tackle your biggest projects.
Speed & Simplicity
Our talent pipeline is pre-vetted. Our processes are designed to help you scale fast.
Full-Time Teams
Our members are fully invested in your success, and fully integrated into your business.
Remote Mgmt Experts
Our focus shifts the administrative burden of remote team management off of you.
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Our software engineers and developers have the core skills you need.
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.NETAIAndroidAngularAngularJSAPIASP.NETAWSAzureBlockchainBootstrapBubbleCC#C++CakePHPChatbotCodeIgniterCSSDjangoDockerDrupalExpress.jsFlaskFlutterGoGolangGoogle CloudGraphQLHTML5IoniciPhone JavaJavaScriptjQueryJSONKotlinKubernetesLaravelLinuxLLMLuaMachine LearningMagentoMEANMERN StackMLMongoDBMySQLNativeScriptNLPNode.jsObjective CPHPPythonRReactReact NativeREST APIRubyRuby on RailsRustSalesforceShopifySnowflakeSoliditySpringSpring BootSwiftTypescriptUnityVue.jsWebflowWooCommerceWordpress