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Guide to Hiring MEAN Developers

  • What is MEAN stack, and how is it used?
  • Why is MEAN stack popular, and how will it benefit your business?
  • Roles and responsibilities of a MEAN stack developer
  • What skills should a MEAN stack developer have?

What is MEAN stack, and how is it used?

Imagine a star-studded programming stack containing three of the five most popular web frameworks and technologies. Well, that’s precisely what the MEAN stack is. This web stack derives its name from the first letters of Mongo DB, Express JS, Angular, and Node JS, its component technologies. The MEAN stack comes highly recommended as several companies, including Netflix, Tumblr, Instagram, and YouTube, have used it to develop highly interactive, responsive web applications.

When you hire MEAN stack developers, they will help your startup to create real-time, interactive applications that incorporate Angular on the client side, Node JS and Express JS on the server side, and Mongo DB for database management.

JavaScript is currently the most popular programming language globally, a position it has retained for several years. You could easily think of the MEAN stack as the ultimate full-stack JavaScript web development framework buffet.  In other words, opting for this technology means that your frontend and backend code will be written in JavaScript, which provides numerous advantages, such as faster deployment times and improved app performance.

Why is MEAN stack popular, and how will it benefit your business?

We’ve already mentioned some of the MEAN stack’s most prominent users, a list that contains some of the world’s largest companies, such as Netflix and Instagram. But why do these major brands opt for this stack instead of building with other technologies, and why is there an increasing demand for MEAN stack developers for hire?

Beyond the allure of JavaScript or the need to hop on the bandwagon, the MEAN stack provides all the tools for companies to develop excellent real-time applications that offer a visually compelling user interface. Any engineer who has created an app with Angular can testify that it is undoubtedly one of the foremost web frameworks for building client-facing applications. This sentiment is also shared by those who work on the backend with Express JS.

All startups want the best, so it's no surprise they would jump at the opportunity to combine all the top web development technologies to create their web products.

  • Supports Isomorphism: For math majors, the mere mention of the term isomorphism would probably be enough to send a cold shiver down your spine. However, for companies building a web application with the MEAN stack, isomorphism is a concept you’d come to appreciate.

    When you hire MEAN stack developers, they will be able to write code that can run at both ends of your website. Isomorphic code lets your developers perform client-side rendering and server-side rendering without making lots of modifications.

    On the surface, this doesn’t sound so spectacular, but there are many reasons why the ability to write universal code is a significant plus for your company. One, it drastically improves the performance and load times of your web apps by providing improved access to data on the server side compared to client-side API requests. But more than that, using a singular code base will help your company’s SEO optimization since it allows for easier site indexing.

    Finally, with this JavaScript-only stack, your developers can use libraries like Lodash and Super Agent on the front and back end, meaning they will not have to spend too much time on code maintenance.
  • Excellent for Building Interactive Apps with the MVC Architecture: According to 2023 website statistics published by Forbes, a new webpage is created every three seconds. This means that if you’re the average person who reads 238 words per minute, there’d have been about 200 new sites already launched by the time you’re done with this article.

    If that wasn’t frustrating enough, reports also show that users need only 0.05 seconds to form an opinion about a website. So, you can probably understand why companies hire MEAN stack developers for their ability to build web pages with attractive user interfaces using the MVC architecture.

    The competition for user’s limited attention is at an all-time high, and you need to deliver a seamless experience or risk getting left behind. Fortunately, in addition to its many other benefits, the MVC architecture allows your team to write modular code and enjoy better error handling.
  • Affordability: Let’s face it: there aren’t many things better than a technology that helps you save costs without compromising on quality. And when you hire MEAN stack developers, that’s what you get. From Angular to NodeJS, each framework or tool is open-source.

    So, you only need to worry about the hefty salaries you’d be paying to employ the best talent. But the great news is that building with the MEAN stack will also allow you to spend much less hiring talent than other technologies. How? Opting to use the MEAN stack means that you can build a leaner team comprising full-stack JavaScript developers.

    Unlike businesses whose software stack consists of diverse technologies running on the front end and back end, your company can adopt a more streamlined approach where all your developers are united, speaking the same language – JavaScript!

  • Unending Number of Libraries and Packages: As we explained earlier, the MEAN stack comprises Mongo DB, Angular, Express JS, and the Node JS runtime environment. Each of these tools has a tremendously large number of resources that can assist your programmers in building world-class web applications quickly.

    For example, when you hire dedicated MEAN stack developers, they will be able to take advantage of popular Angular Component Libraries such as Core UI, Clarity, NG-Bootstrap, and Nebular and have access to essential components they need to create an outstanding UI.

    Furthermore, the Node Package Manager (NPM), an elaborate ecosystem with over two million packages, is another significant reason why companies opt for the MEAN stack as their preferred choice.  If you’re looking to develop feature-rich, highly interactive apps, working with the MEAN stack will ensure you have all the tools you need to complete the job in record time.
  • Cloud Computing Capabilities: In today’s era, cloud compatibility is a major concern if you’re building a web product, and the MEAN stack easily stands out in this regard since it can easily be integrated with Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, and other popular cloud-based platforms.

    The implication is that when you hire dedicated MEAN stack developers, they can perform tasks such as testing and deployment faster. With the vast amount of Mongo DB cloud functionalities and other libraries, your company will be able to cut costs while maintaining optimal application performance.
  • Easy Flow of Data with JSON: Data storage and transportation is an essential part of any highly functional web application, and JSON is one of the most popular formats for structuring data. What’s so special about JSON, and what does it have to do with MEAN stack’s popularity? JSON can store data in arrays to simplify the transfer process. Furthermore, JSON’s backend parsing is measurably better than other formats.

    The MEAN stack is arguably JSON’s biggest cheerleader, as MongoDB, Angular, Express JS, and Node JS all store data in this format. This is excellent news because apps that use this technology can be designed without reformatting to enable data flow between various layers.

    So, when companies hire MEAN stack developers, they will be able to easily develop web apps that can share various data types, including video and audio, regardless of their size.
  • Scalability: If you’re building an enterprise-scale web application, you must anticipate and prepare for a potential flurry of user data and requests. Thankfully, Mongo DB makes it easy for MEAN stack developers to incorporate horizontal scaling with multiple servers.

    With the MEAN stack, as your company grows, you’ll have the required software architecture to meet the increasing demands. Furthermore, Node JS also supports clustering or scaling across different servers, meaning there should be no challenges optimizing the backend of your web product for scale.
  • Flexibility: Besides all the scalability benefits we’ve mentioned, the MEAN stack can boast of being one of the most flexible solutions for web development since its different parts work seamlessly with each other.

    With the MEAN stack, your software team can go through the entire production phase, including development, testing, and deployment, without a hassle. Also, they should have no difficulties pushing new features or making modifications post-production when required.
  • Perfect for Real-time Applications: Speed is a primary consideration when developing apps that require real-time functionality. Node JS’s non-blocking event-driven architecture makes it an excellent fit for building real-time interactive applications.

    It’s no wonder that companies like Netflix, Linkedin, and PayPal use the MEAN stack to create their software. So, if what your business is building demands for users to receive instant feedback, the best bet would be to hire dedicated MEAN stack developers to join your team.

Roles and responsibilities of a MEAN stack developer

Software roles are very diverse, and it can be easy for your team to lose track of the company’s main targets if each member does not have clearly defined responsibilities. Moreover, the lines can blur quickly if you hire MEAN stack developers to build your company’s app. So, here are some of the duties that MEAN stack developers are expected to perform.

  • Management of Relational and Non-Relational Databases: Database management is a core aspect of building large web applications and a significant reason companies hire MEAN stack engineers. MEAN stack developers manage customer data and regularly work with relational or non-relational databases. Sometimes, they configure applications for multiple databases and use queries to connect to external databases.
  • Build Frontend and Backend Architecture: The most significant responsibility of MEAN stack developers is to build the overall architecture of your company’s website. Depending on your team's size, they will be tasked with building just the front end with Angular Component Libraries, working on the server side of your web app, or both. In addition to all these roles, they may be required to build scalable RESTful APIs and ensure smooth data transfer between both sides of the application.
  • Building Solutions with Other Team Members: It’s not enough to hire MEAN stack engineers. You also need a team of UI/UX designers, product managers, and other professionals to assist their efforts if you want to create a top-notch web product. This means that your MEAN stack programmers will need to frequently communicate with these other team members to devise suitable strategies that will improve your app's overall performance.
  • Debugging of Applications: Your MEAN stack developers will often find themselves in situations where they’d need to figure out what went wrong in your app’s code and proffer solutions to these bottlenecks. Fortunately, they can work with tools such as the Angular DevTools browser extension and the NodeJS command-line debugging utility to carry out this task.
  • Deployment of Applications on the Cloud: Once your team has performed the necessary software tests and established your company’s app is ready to be released, your MEAN stack developers will be responsible for its deployment on the AWS Cloud, Azure Cloud, or any other platform.

What skills should a MEAN stack developer have?

Because of the popularity of the various frameworks that make up this web stack, there are probably thousands of applicants for each job posting that requires MEAN stack developers for hire. So, how do you filter out the top talents from the rest of the pack? What skills should you look out for before choosing someone to join your team?

  • Sufficient Knowledge of Individual MEAN stack components: When you hire a MEAN stack developer, they may be required to work on Mongo DB, Node JS, Angular, or Express JS. Often, their role will demand that they use all four of these technologies. Therefore, you must employ someone who can demonstrate adequate knowledge of the fundamentals of these frameworks and tools.
  • Experience Building With JavaScript on the Frontend and Backend: MEAN stack developers are basically full-stack engineers. And since each component is coded in JavaScript, they must be proficient in developing both client and server-side architecture with JavaScript. Before you hire a MEAN stack developer, confirm if they can work with JSON, build RESTful APIs, and perform error handling.
  • Ability to Use Cloud Technologies: Cloud technologies like Azure Cloud and AWS are the go-to options for deploying MEAN stack applications. Although some roles may not require an extensive knowledge of these tools, hiring developers who can use them efficiently is a significant advantage.
  • Problem-Solving: The ability to analyze a problem and develop practical solutions within a reasonable timeframe is a trait that the top 1% of MEAN stack developers for hire possess. This skill is an invaluable asset for companies who wish to remain on top of the competition and build modern, scalable apps.
  • Competence With Version Control: Post-deployment, MEAN stack developers will still need to push updates, add patches, and perform routine maintenance of your company’s web app. This is why you need programmers who can use Git, Mercurial, or other version management systems effectively.

For more FAQs on hiring MEAN developers, visit our FAQs page

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