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Terminal's vetted, elite global talent pool helps you hire .NET developers 35% faster than traditional recruiting. Get instant access to elite .NET engineers, as we only accept the top 7% of developers.

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Why Hire .NET Developers With Terminal

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Guide to Hiring .NET Developers

  • What is .NET, and how is it used?
  • Why is .NET popular, and how will it benefit your business?
  • Roles and responsibilities of a .NET developer
  • What skills should a .NET developer have?

What is .NET, and how is it used?

.NET is Microsoft’s open-source developer platform that can be used to create apps that can run on Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems. Usually, the next question that follows when people hear about .NET is, ‘What exactly is a developer platform anyway?’

Well, developer platforms are collections of tools and other technologies that help developers improve their productivity and build and deploy applications in a shorter timeframe. It goes without saying that when you hire .NET developers for your company, you’ll be considerably shortening your time to market launch.

If you were to strip .NET to its core components, it would comprise several programming languages, including C#, F#, and VB.NET, along with their compilers. However, you’d just be scratching the surface. .NET also includes a ton of in-built class libraries, a package manager, and build utilities. So, essentially, .NET is a complete package for app development and an excellent pick for developing enterprise-level software products.

Why is .NET popular, and how will it benefit your business?

The 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey saw .NET lead the charge for Other Frameworks and Libraries with 25.29% of the overall responses. But we understand why these chart-topping statistics might not faze you. You’re probably more interested in learning ‘why.’ Why do so many programmers love to work extensively with this platform, and why should you hire .NET developers to create your company’s web or mobile solutions?

Many businesses have jumped on the .NET rave train. And we’re not just talking of a group of 6-month-old startups. Leading organizations, including Samsung, Dell, Intel, and Cisco, have used this technology to build their products. So, if you’ve chosen to pitch your tent with this growing developer platform, you’re undoubtedly in great company.

  • Cross-platform Software Development: .NET’s versatility is arguably one of its biggest selling points and the reason why companies are drawn to the platform. You can hire .NET developers to build web applications that run on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. What’s more, .NET’s flexibility means it can be used to build mobile applications thanks to Xamarin. Talk about killing multiple birds with a single shot.

    Regardless of your objectives or what demographic your company aspires to reach with its product, .NET can certainly provide you with the tools to build high-performance apps that run across several platforms while saving time and reducing costs.
  • Supports Object-oriented Programming (OOP): 21st-century businesses are driven by an unimaginable need for speed, and whatever can give your startup an edge should be strongly considered. .NET runs on the OOP model, which sectionalizes code into smaller bits.

    So, instead of organizing your code based on logic, everything is centered around objects that can also be referred to as data fields. Why should this matter to you? Well, to put it simply, .NET’s support for the OOP paradigm means that your app’s code will be shorter, more compact, and easier to read.

    Furthermore, if you hire dedicated .NET developers, they can reuse code and perform testing more efficiently. Sure, it might not sound like a significant advantage. But best believe this simple feature will massively reduce your product development time.
  • Available Microsoft Support: People typically credit Microsoft with developing the top-notch Windows OS. However, .NET is one of the technology giant’s most significant triumphs. When you hire .NET developers to build your startup’s web product, they will have access to a wide range of tools to aid their development process courtesy of Microsoft.

    Your development team will literally have an ecosystem to support their building, including the Visual Studio IDE and the Azure Cloud Platform. With the sharp rise of AI and other technological innovations, there’s no telling what web apps will look like in the next decade. However, working with a Microsoft-supported platform is one of your best bets for staying at the cutting edge of your industry.
  • Allows Multi-Language Coding: Versatility is an underrated advantage in software development, and not many platforms can match .NET’s flexibility. .NET’s runtime can support C# as well as other less popular but highly effective languages, including F# and Visual Basic. We’ll not forget to mention that .NET also implements the Common Language Infrastructure, which means it is compatible with ClojureCLR, IronPython, and Power Builder.

    Like many other companies, you too can hire .NET developers with expertise in any of these languages, depending on your unique requirements. For example, if you wish to create software heavily reliant on data-related functions, your programmers can build with F#. However, you could always go the more common route and use the object-oriented C# instead. The choices are endless.
  • Massive Developer Community: With .NET, your developers never have to build in isolation, as the platform has a large and active developer community. A quick look at the 49,431 questions related to .NET on Stack Overflow should be enough to convince anyone just how supportive its users are.

    .NET supports C#, F#, and Visual Basic. So, when you hire a .NET developer, they also get access to a treasure trove of resources, tutorials, and contributions from these communities as well. And with an army of reclusive nerds providing your programmers with assistance, there’s no challenge they won’t be able to solve.
  • Scalability: Building a simple, single web page app that has just a few buttons and forms is easy. You probably might not need to hire dedicated .NET developers for that. However, when discussing complex, enterprise-level solutions, it’s time to bring in the big guns.

    The .NET framework allows developers to write reusable code and alter segments of their software without affecting the entire application. Another feature that enhances .NET’s suitability for large businesses handling intense loads is its robust caching system. Programmers can design bespoke cache implementations to eliminate unnecessary, time-consuming processes and enjoy horizontal or vertical scalability.
  • Easy Maintenance: Maintenance tasks can be quite a chore, especially when your developers have to deal with messy, intertwined code. Fortunately, .NET’s modular design means the framework is much easier to maintain. Since the parts of your code will be organized into separate segments, you can hire .NET developers to work on each section without fear of breaking the entire application.

    If you consider the time and person-hours that your company would save by opting for a platform that is highly pro-maintenance, we’re sure you’d understand why so many businesses see .NET as the perfect technology for building their apps.
  • Integrated Developer Environment (IDE): The Visual Studio IDE is one of the many benefits companies enjoy when using .NET. Visual Studio is a popular IDE created by, you guessed right – Microsoft. You’d be amazed at the sheer number of tools, extensions, compilers, and other features available in this environment to help your developers develop, debug, or publish apps faster.

    Visual Studio code provides your .NET developers with everything they need in just a few clicks or keystrokes, whether they're writing code, making edits, or debugging apps. When you think it couldn’t get any better, the IDE also offers integrated Git features. So, you can hire .NET developers to push modifications to your app’s code and carry out other version control tasks.

Roles and responsibilities of a .NET developer

If you’re reading this, it probably means you’re considering hiring .NET developers for your company. And while that’s an excellent idea, you’d first need to define what exactly these professionals should bring to the table compared to other members of your software development team.

  • Writing Software Code in .NET Compatible Languages: In most cases, when companies hire .NET developers, their primary responsibility is to build software using C#, F#, VB.NET, or any of the development platform’s languages. Usually, they’ll work on the Visual Studio IDE or use other environments like Rider or Stingray.
  • Debugging of Applications: Even the neatest codes written by the best .NET developers for hire may still encounter the occasional error. But we guess programmers can chalk these off as an occupational hazard.

    .NET developers will most likely be writing new code, improving and refactoring old code, or debugging your company’s app to identify the errors and come up with potential solutions. Fortunately, with the Debug build configuration in Visual Studio and other tools such as PerfView and dotTrace, discovering and fixing bugs has never been more straightforward.
  • Collaboration With Other Team Members: Often, when you hire .NET engineers for your company, they’ll be working with other programmers with diverse skill sets and years of experience building frontend or backend applications with different languages and technologies to develop the best architectural framework for your product.

    They’ll also constantly interact with project managers, top executives, and other stakeholders to ensure they develop a well-thought-out solution that meets an agreed target and matches your customer’s expectations.
  • Application Testing and Deployment: Before you launch your application to the market, your software team must ensure it performs as intended. They would need to carry out various tests, including Unit, Integration, and Load tests. To carry out these tasks, .NET developers work with frameworks such as xUnit, NUnit, and MSTest, which can run on the .NET Command Line Interface (CLI) or the Visual Studio IDE.

    In addition to software testing, .NET developers for hire will also handle the deployment of finished applications so that end users can access them. Depending on your requirements, they may publish self-contained or framework-dependent apps that can work with or without third-party dependencies.
  • Maintenance and Upgrade: In the world of software, best practices are constantly changing as the developer community keeps discovering ways to make applications sleeker and faster. Publishing your web or mobile application is just the first step; your .NET developers must also ensure that your company remains the top pick for users by providing a product that matches current world-class standards.

    Also, you might need to make upgrades and add new features in response to customer feedback. So, you cannot escape the need to hire .NET engineers to maintain your code and make upgrades.

What skills should a .NET developer have?

We’re in the era of exaggerated CVs and stolen portfolios. Anyone with a few projects on their GitHub and a two-month internship can claim to be a .NET engineer. Unfortunately, your company cannot risk paying big bucks to hire a .NET developer who cannot hold their own or make vital contributions to your product’s development. So, the question is, how do you identify the finest of the pack? And what skills do the top 5% of .NET developers have?

We’ll be the first to admit that .NET is a broad technology, and it's practically impossible for anyone to figure it all out. However, there are some fundamentals that every developer should have to get employed in a top-tier company.

  • Ability to Code in C#, F#, or VB.NET: When you hire .NET developers to build on the development platform, they will usually need to write code in C#, F#, or VB.NET. Therefore, they must possess a working knowledge of these languages. Although it is not mandatory for them to know more than one language, having the ability to code in two or more of these languages will be an added advantage for your company.
  • Problem Solving: In the end, it doesn’t matter the number of languages a developer can code in or how many libraries and frameworks they can incorporate. Your business would still be stuck if these tools cannot be applied to solve problems and create solutions. Beyond peddling around difficult-to-pronounce words and complex concepts, .NET developers must be able to use these ideas to address real-world problems when they arise.
  • Considerable .NET Work Experience: Except you’re employing for an intern role, you cannot afford to hire a .NET developer who doesn’t have at least a year of experience working with the platform. They must demonstrate a strong knowledge of the .NET framework and its collection of tools and libraries. This means they should understand concepts like the Common Language Runtime (CLR), framework class libraries, and frameworks such as ASP.NET.
  • Sufficient Knowledge of Databases and APIs: Working with databases is critical to building .NET applications. Your development team should be able to interact with MySQL, SQL Server, Postgre SQL, and other database management systems. Furthermore, they must be well-versed in understanding REST and RPC APIs and other aspects of software architecture.
  • Communication: As we explained earlier, .NET developers are just one aspect of your development team. If you’re building an extensive, complex application, you’d probably have other front-end and back-end developers, product designers, and UI/UX engineers. These individuals will often meet to discuss and agree on the best possible solution for your company’s web or mobile application. So, it’s essential that you hire .NET developers who can accurately communicate their ideas and work well in teams.

For more FAQs on hiring .NET developers, visit our FAQs page

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