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Hire Machine Learning developers remotely from our vetted global talent

Terminal's vetted, elite global talent pool helps you hire Machine Learning developers 35% faster than traditional recruiting. Get instant access to elite Machine Learning engineers, as we only accept the top 7% of developers.

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Hims & Hers

Instant access to top Machine Learning developers for hire

Steeve B

10+ Years Experience


Top Company ExperienceIn Demand
  • Worked for Microsoft and Brechmann Solutions
  • Experience as AI Tech Lead
  • AI, ML, and Data Engineering Expert

+ more

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Oscar L

2 - 5 Years Experience


  • Worked for KLYM
  • ML Tech Lead
  • Experience with Data Science

+ more

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Mindy C

2 - 5 Years Experience


  • Worked for GenAIz and TandemLaunch
  • Custom Software and Venture Capital & Private Equity experience
  • Proficient English level
Natural Language ProcessingPythonMachine Learning

+ more

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It's easy to hire Machine Learning developers with Terminal

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What customers are saying about us

Andrew Backes
“With Terminal, we have recruiting and on-the-ground expertise in the markets where we want to hire. We needed a group of people who were experts in the laws in these markets, who could set up payment structures, who would provide an office where engineers could work, and who could handle all the other details for us. Having all that bundled together, that was game-changing.”

Andrew Backes

Head of Engineering, Armory

Melissa Baird
“To bring Hims to new heights, we know we are going to need more happy, invested team members – and we’ll continue to look to Terminal to find and support them.”

Melissa Baird

COO & Head of Technology, Hims

Russ Greenspan
“Turning to Latin America has significantly expanded the candidate pool for us. There’s so much good talent. I studied in Latin America myself, so I know firsthand the kind of creative thinking and quality engineers that you’ll find there.”

Russ Greenspan

CTO, PresenceLearning

Why Hire Machine Learning Developers With Terminal

Elite Global Candidates

Our exceptional engineers are ready to tackle your biggest projects.

Speed & Simplicity

Our talent pipeline is pre-vetted. Our processes are designed to help you scale fast.

Full-Time Teams

Our members are fully invested in your success, and fully integrated into your business.

Remote Mgmt Experts

Our focus shifts the administrative burden of remote team management off of you.

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