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Guide to Hiring Drupal Developers

  • What is Drupal, and how is it used?
  • Why is Drupal popular, and how will it benefit your business?
  • Roles and responsibilities of a Drupal developer
  • What skills should a Drupal developer have?

What is Drupal, and how is it used?

You might find this hard to believe, but there was a time when Content Management Systems (CMSs) were not so ubiquitous, and there was only one popular way to publish sites: by hiring developers to write long, sometimes messy lines of code while hoping that you wouldn’t have to make any significant modifications or push frequent updates post-launch.

Fortunately for most companies, our world has since evolved from the dark ages, and you can now hire Drupal developers who can make a seemingly complex process like building an e-commerce platform as simple as selecting and customizing a pre-existing template.

Drupal is a CMS written in PHP and designed by Dries Buytaert in 2009. It lets developers build and manage content on enterprise-level web pages and incorporate payment gateways, marketing and automation tools, analytics, and all other features that make up a world-class website. Since its creation, Drupal has seen several use cases, from e-commerce platforms to blogs, forums, and even the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) website.

Why is Drupal popular, and how will it benefit your business?

According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey, 1.85% of professional developers use Drupal. This might seem a bit like an underwhelming statistic. But when you consider that most of these respondents are ardent believers in the supremacy of hard coding and typically look down on CMSs, it can very well be considered a testament to Drupal’s credibility as a top platform.

However, if you’re still doubtful about Drupal’s reputation, its list of users should be enough to convince you that it is certainly no small fry. Companies like Pfizer, Tesla, and IBM use this platform to build their websites. But that’s not even the biggest surprise. Drupal is a massive favorite for developing and managing government websites. The United States, United Kingdom, Australia, China, and many others use this CMS for several of their Agency websites. So, if you can’t take our word for it, trust Uncle Sam.

  • Highly Secure Platform: A little over a decade ago, the media went agog with news that 3 billion user accounts on Yahoo had been compromised. It’s 2023, and cyberattacks are still commonplace, with many businesses suffering staggering losses due to security breaches.

    When you hire a Drupal developer, you don’t just get colorful buttons and a stylish user interface. You also have access to arguably one of the most secure platforms for web development in today’s ecosystem. It’s no surprise that Fortune 500 companies like CVS Health, Tesla, Pfizer, and IBM use this technology.

    Drupal regularly provides security patches and offers modules like HTTP Antivirus, CAPTCHA, Cloudflare site map, and User Change Notify that help safeguard your user’s data from third-party hacks. We don’t know about you, but we’re pretty sure most people would rather not worry about spending thousands of dollars on damage control when they could rest easy knowing their web page is well protected.
  • Supports Several Languages: Companies tend to hire Drupal developers when they want to build websites that will have a multi-national reach. If you haven’t already noticed, Drupal has modules for everything you could imagine, including its multi-language feature.

    This CMS provides a language, interface translation, and content translation module that allows for built-in UI translation, browser language detection, and admin interface language selection. The entire appeal of the World Wide Web is that it gives small and large businesses access to a broader pool of potential clients.

    So, why limit yourself to a couple of regions? Sure, your site may not be able to offer support for all 7,000 existing languages. But thanks to Drupal, you could at least start with 100.
  • Easy to Scale: Make no mistake about it: Drupal was built for the biggest of stages. It offers a highly competent framework that maintains peak performance even when the pressure is on. If you hire dedicated Drupal developers who can optimize web pages effectively, your company’s site should have no problem handling millions of users without breaking a sweat.

    With Drupal modules like Blazy, your development team can incorporate features such as lazy loading to increase speed. In addition to Blazy, there’s also the CND module for integration with a content delivery network to improve HTTP performance and enable your servers to handle multiple simultaneous requests.

    Whether your business intends on scaling vertically or choosing the more durable but complex horizontal scaling option, Drupal offers the tools to make this transition easier.
  • Open-Source Platform and Supportive Developer Community: Everyone loves open-source software. If not for anything else, the fact that your company won’t have to pay a cent to access world-class modules and resources is enough to make any CTO grin from ear to ear.  But affordability is just one of the benefits of open-source software that you will enjoy when you hire a Drupal developer.

    Beyond the allure of cost-effectiveness, Drupal being open-source means it's constantly undergoing reviews and modifications to optimize its performance to meet the best global standards. So, chances are high that some person in a moldy basement may have figured out the solution to whatever problems your team may face while using this platform.

    However, should you encounter a hitch that somehow hasn’t been previously imagined, you can find Drupal developers for hire who will edit already available modules or create new ones to meet your company’s unique requirements.
  • Flexibility: If you ask anyone familiar with the CMS landscape, they’d be honest to admit to you how hard it is to find a system that favors simplicity and flexibility. In most cases, attempting to use a CMS that provides a wide range of functionalities seems only a little less challenging than trying to solve the Navier-Stokes equation. Drupal, however, lets you have the best of both worlds.

    Drupal is used by various companies in different industries, from technology to healthcare, big Pharma, finance, and telecommunications. Its modular approach has made it a regular choice for building e-commerce websites, social networking platforms or forums, and large-scale pages with high-level functionality.

    Regardless of what you wish to build, you can hire Drupal developers and be confident they’ll deliver an exceptional website with a stellar user interface and seamless user experience.
  • Large Number of Resources Available: You’d be safe to say that Drupal is the king of website functionality. Thanks to its large and ever-growing developer community, it has gathered an abundance of distributions, plugins, and modules that can be incorporated to create webpages for your business or startup.

    Currently there are 50,687 modules available on Drupal, including Libraries API, Webform, and Pathauto. These resources add diverse features such as security, site map creation, and more. This means that if you hire Drupal developers, they’ll spend less time on the development phase because most of what they need is already available.
  • Integrates Perfectly with Popular Marketing Tools: Many companies feel that building a great website is enough. But even the best content, features, interface, and user experience don’t mean much if no one hears about what you offer.

    That’s why many businesses go a step further to hire Drupal developers to build their pages. Drupal easily integrates with all the popular marketing tools, including Google Analytics, Mailchimp, Marketo, and Hubspot. So, after deployment, your team can track the performance of your website.

    Furthermore, your company can engage in email marketing and build an advertisement strategy. Drupal doesn’t just help startups create stunning products. It also supplies the tools to put these products in front of those who need them. Talk about a two-for-one special.
  • Excellent for SEO: One of the primary reasons startups hire dedicated Drupal developers for their web pages is because this CMS provides significant advantages regarding ranking on search engines.

    Most people never look beyond the first page in a Google or Bing search, so you’d understand why businesses spend thousands of dollars hiring professionals to find a winning SEO strategy to claim those elusive top spots on search engines.

    Drupal supports this pursuit by offering a ton of modules such as Pathauto, Metatag, XML sitemap, and Path redirect. These tools help your developers create the kind of structured, well-performing websites that search engines tend to fall in love with.

Roles and responsibilities of a Drupal developer

The fact that you’re reading this guide to hiring Drupal developers effectively probably means that your company is building or making changes to its website, and you need top talent to join your team.

Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place. Before you send out those congratulatory employment emails, you should know what to expect from Drupal developers for hire once they become a part of your company. Understanding these job descriptions will help ensure your new recruits settle in quickly and your team experiences a seamless workflow.

  • Develop Modules and Custom Themes: While themes are primarily responsible for your page's appearance, modules define the underlying code that provides specific functionalities. One of the many benefits of Drupal is that it offers countless pre-built modules and themes that your developers can copy and use on your company’s website.

    However, in many instances, when you hire a Drupal developer, especially if they are responsible for working on the front end, they will need to build custom themes. This means they will spend considerable time defining new themes and subthemes and adding regions and assets. Furthermore, they will also edit or create new modules from scratch with PHP.
  • Fix Bugs and Troubleshoot Drupal Websites: Dread or run from them, but bugs are inevitable in the software development process, even more so if you create a very complex product. For Drupal developers, the job doesn’t stop when your website is launched. Sometimes, errors may arise due to a mistake during database integration or from a wrong line of code in a custom module. Whatever the problem is, your developers will be called upon to identify the source and proffer a solution.
  • Optimize Web Pages for High Performance: Modern-day web development is constantly changing, and customers have a plethora of options to choose from. In this day and age, where we’ve gotten used to highly responsive apps with seamless interfaces, your company can’t afford to have a product that doesn’t offer peak performance.

    Fortunately, when you hire Drupal engineers, they will ensure that your website delivers the best user experience. In addition to all their other tasks, these developers must stay in touch with the best practices in software development to guarantee that your website performs optimally.
  • Work With Other Software Team Members: Every beautifully designed web product needs a team of skilled professionals, from UX and Graphic designers to product managers and many others. Your Drupal developers are just one part of this well-oiled machine and must constantly interact with other members to ensure the project is on track. They must receive and provide helpful feedback to enable your company to build a top-class product.
  • Implement Updates and Site Changes: Many people hire Drupal developers to build their websites because this technology makes implementing regular site changes and uploads easier. Your Drupal engineers will upload written, visual, audio, and other types of content and implement any other required updates. Also, should you need to change your page’s template or rebrand your company website’s appearance, Drupal developers will handle the entire process.

What skills should a Drupal developer have?

We’re sure you’d admit that acquiring talent is one of the most challenging aspects of running a business. Finding the right fit for your company is never an easy process. But it gets a whole lot simpler when you know what exactly to look out for. There are thousands of Drupal developers for hire, and you mustn’t make the mistake of employing someone who cannot deliver as promised or meet the demands of your company. So, what critical skills set the best Drupal developers apart from the wannabes?

  • Knowledge of PHP: As we mentioned earlier, Drupal is written in PHP. So, it goes without saying that anyone building websites with this CMS should have sufficient knowledge of the PHP language. Strong knowledge of PHP will help your developers understand Drupal’s core architecture and make it easier to develop custom components.
  • Competence With HTML and CSS: Before you hire a Drupal developer, they must be skilled in the basics of frontend development, including structuring web pages with HTML and adding custom styling with CSS. In addition to this, they must also be proficient with JavaScript. This knowledge will come in handy when creating and incorporating themes and other aspects of your company website’s client-side architecture.
  • Experience Using Drupal Modules: There are tens of thousands of Drupal modules available. While we recognize that you will not be able to find dedicated Drupal developers who have used each of these resources, we advise that you employ someone who can demonstrate adequate experience working with core modules such as Redirect, Pathauto, Cloudflare site map, and Webform.
  • Critical Thinking: An ability to innovate and come up with creative solutions is a trait that you can never pay enough money for. When you hire Drupal engineers for your startup, this soft skill must be at the top of your list. More than anything else, you should prioritize engineers who can critically examine problems and build a top-notch web product with the resources available.
  • Communication: Drupal developers will always need to communicate whether they are sharing their ideas at a meeting or writing documentation. Therefore, they must be able to do so effectively. Hiring someone with poor communication skills can slow down your development time and hamper your software team’s workflow.

For more FAQs on hiring Drupal developers, visit our FAQs page

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